
ENTROPIA, anarkosatanisme Katalonian Brutal Drone Doom Art Antifa

Entropia neix l'any 1994 com un projecte poc ortodox més vinculat al punk/hardcore i a la psicodèlia/noise. Actualment, Entropia fan Katalonian Brutal Drone Doom Art Antifa, i les seves lletres es basen en la lluita mística dels treballadors contra la violència capitalista neoliberal i el sexisme. El destí d'Entropia va canviar de sobte quan uns dimonis subterranis van raptar el Selrak i en Karkassa i els van transmetre la doctrina anarkosatànica. Des de l'edició del CD "Takte Mòrbid" (2005), el seu primer llarga durada oficial, Entropia han guanyat rellevància, bàsicament degut al caràcter ritual de les seves manifestacions públiques, cada cop més sagnants i malèvoles. Entropia han tocat amb bandes com ara Exodus, Nuclear Assault ("Entropia very locos", va dir Dani Lilker), Krisiun, Mortician o Grave, i sol aparèixer en cartell amb les que considera bandes amigues i germanes: Otargos, Mixomatosis, Shemhamphorash, Foscor, Dvorhead, Rash, Nemesis Aeterna, Virulentos, La Matanza, Càustic, Decapitated Christ o Vidres a la sang.
El nou treball ha estat “Konjur de Creació” single + video film 2012.

Karkassa - guitarra i veu   Inmä - dansa  
Morwen - dansa   Selrak - baix i veu  

ENTROPIA, anarkosatanisme Katalonian Brutal Drone Doom Art Antifa

Entropia were born in 1994 as an unorthodox project originally linked to hardcore/punk and noisy/psychedelic music. After the release of CD “Takte Mòrbid” (2005), its first full-length album, Entropia become more outstanding and better-known, basically thanks to the ritual character of their live performances, bloodier and filthier. Entropia's fate changed when some subterranean demons kidnapped Selrak and Karkassa and transmitted the Anarkosatanic tenets to them. In leage with these demons came Inmä and Morwen, who then joined Entropia to help the band spread the message through their serpentine dance and extreme body language. Today Entropia play Katalonian Brutal Drone Doom Art Antifa and continue to base their lyrics on the mystical worker's fight against neocapitalism's violence and sexism. Therir batllecry: “Satanisme llibertari, odi revolucionari!” (Libertarian satanism, revolutioary hatred!). Entropia have played with bands such as Exodus, Mortician, Nuclear Assault (“Entropia very locos”, said Dani Lilker), Krisiun or Grave, and usually appear on stage with Otargos, Mixomatosis, Dvorhead, Shemhamphorash, Foscor, Rash, Nemesis Aeterna, Virulentos, La Matanza, Càustic, Decapitated Christ and Vidres a la Sang, their twin bands.
The new release “Konjur de Creació” single + video film 2012.

Karkassa: guitar and vocals
Inmä: dancer, choreographer and snare
Morwen: dancer, choreographer and backing vocals
Selrak: bass and vocals

+34 655966733 Karles Albert

official short film Entropia “Konjur de Creació” 2012

trailer english Entropia “Konjur de Creació” 2012

trailer català Entropia “Konjur de Creació” 2012